Our full-service solutions for switchboards, automation and controls
This is a selection of projects successfully completed by our in-house team of specialists. They reflect our capability to move seamlessly from design and manufacture through to implementation for industry customers throughout New Zealand.

The Taranaki Base Hospital was in need of a new main switchboard. Being a medical facility, the importance of providing the right solution was huge. Our extensive experience and expertise meant that Western Switchgear was well equipped to design and implement the perfect solution.
The hospital is very happy with the state of the art solution we supplied. It includes a new automated Modbus connected main switchboard and 31 off diverse distribution and control panels.
Better still, it provides them with the confidence to continue providing an excellent level of care for all patients.
Value: $4,120,000

When it comes to waste and water management, no one wants to be dealing with faults and service disruptions. Which is why the New Plymouth District Council contacted us for a number of projects involving the district’s waste and water management.
Our expertise, high quality solutions and onsite team were able to deliver exactly what the council needed in a timely and efficient manner.
Over multiple projects, we completed the design and build of 16 off Control and Type Tested MCC Panels for pump and sewerage stations in the region.
VALUE: $582,000

Making wine is serious business, and to do it successfully, you need serious equipment! That is the exact reason why the team at Delegats Winery reached out to us at Western Switchgear.
They were looking for a seamless electrical solution for their new winery. We completed the work for Transfield Worley by building and installing 20 MCC/Control/PLC Panels at the new site.
VALUE: $270,000

The dairy industry is the backbone of the New Zealand economy, so it stands to reason that this processing plant needed state of the art equipment. Which is why they approached us at Western Switchgear when they needed a new switchboard.
The existing switchboard had become unsafe due to its age and needed replacing. We designed, assembled and installed a turkey switchboard solution. This project had an extra level of complexity as there were critical services that had to be maintained throughout the installation process.
By using site familiar personnel and our broad skillset, Western Switchgear was able to assemble and install the new switchboard without interruption.
VALUE: $34,000

Even the companies responsible for bringing energy to your door need some help from industry experts at times! A large Taranaki energy company contacted us when they required a number of pneumatic shutdown valve control panels for a recent upgrade project.
Western Switchgear was engaged for the complete process due to our high level of industry expertise. The project began with the procurement of materials and went right through to the manufacturing and assembly of multiple pneumatic 316 SS shutdown valve control panels.
The majority of the 11 panels required the fitting of pneumatic volume boosters and associated components to custom manufactured SS backing panels, all with interconnecting tubing.
VALUE: $60,000